People with Special Needs
RTC RIDE wants your trip to be as convenient
and enjoyable as possible. The following will
provide you with information on the coach
operators’ responsibilities and ways you can
prepare for your ride.
Customer Service is here to help! If you
would like to find out if a particular bus stop
is accessible before you ride the bus please
contact Customer Service at 348-RIDE (7433).
They are available Monday to Friday from
7 am–7 pm and Saturday from 8 am–5 pm.
RTC RIDE requires all wheelchairs be secured
using Four Points Securement Procedures so
that they do not move more than 2 inches in
any direction and are secured in a manner
that the chair will not tip over in the event of
a turn or sudden brake.
If a wheelchair cannot be secured because
of an issue with bus stop accessibility, the
bus securement strap system or mechanical
malfunction of lift or ramp, the coach operator
will inform the wheelchair user that RTC RIDE
will provide transportation for them within
the next 30 minutes. If there is another bus
scheduled in the next 30 minutes then that
bus can be used to transport the passenger,
however, if another bus is not scheduled
RTC will dispatch a bus within 30 minutes.
Regardless of the situation, it is the coach
operator’s job to notify a supervisor
immediately of the problem
The coach operator must deploy the ramp
or lift for any passenger who asks to use
the ramp or lift.
Service Animals
Riding with animals is prohibited except for
service animals (e.g., a guide dog, signal dog or
service dog) or other service animal as permitted
by the American with Disabilities Act and all other
applicable state and federal laws and regulations
provided that the animal is accompanied by
a person with a disability or a person who is
responsible for training such an animal. Pets
and emotional support, therapy, comfort and
companion animals are not considered service
animals, although they are permitted when in a
pet carrier. Carriers must have locks, latches or
zippers, must be feces proof, and must not block
the aisle or a doorway.
Under the ADA and Nevada's public accom-
modations law, a public accommodation may
not ask you questions about your disability or
demand to see certifiation, identification, or other
proof of your animal's training or status. If it is
not apparent what your service animal does, the
establishment may ask you only whether it is a
service animal, and what tasks it performs for you.
ADA announcements will be automatically
announced at major intersections and
places of interest. Should the equipment
malfunction the coach operator will make the
announcements. In addition, coach operators
will make announcements upon request of
disabled passengers.
The coach operator must, prior to moving the
bus, give people with disabilities or those with
special needs a reasonable opportunity to find
an available seat or if no seats are available to
become stationary/stable by holding on to the
back of a seat or a vertical or horizontal pole.